Saturday, December 22, 2007

Mining Properties For Sale From WesternMiner Database

Mining Properties For Sale is a listing from database of available mining prospects. You can subscribe to the RSS feed for this blog to be notified when I put new properties online or when mining properties are sold.


*NEW! Anvil Creek—Ophir Alaska gold mine and gold finding B&B/hunting and fishing lodge. Complete with house and cabin, all mining equipment, vehicles (including boat), web site, and permits to run a thriving nugget gold tourist attraction. $545,000 USD takes it all!

*Alaska Placer Gold Property for Sale In The Historical Fortymile Area
Placer mine property on historical Walker Fork in the Fortymile mining district of Alaska. This is a contiguous package of 43 Federal claims, overlaid with 55 State claims, completely covering 5 miles of virgin creek claims and 2 1/2 miles of side creeks or pups providing a 7 to 10 year gold project.

*Three Fairbanks Alaska Gold Properties Grouped Together
The owner of these 3 Alaska Fairbanks area gold properties is retiring and has combined all the properties together to make a great deal for a larger company to mine.

*Amanita Gold Mine Adjacent To Fort Knox Gold Mine, Fairbanks Alaska
A hard rock property consisting of approximately 3,500 acres of State mining claims. The Amanita prospect is located south of and abuts the Ft. Knox Mine property. The property is easily accessed from the paved Gilmore Trail Road which is maintained year round. See this property combined with two other Fairbanks gold properties

*Alaska Gold—Our Creek Project—With Year Round Accessibility—For sale or joint venture in the Fairbanks mining district in an area of other profitable gold mines, and close to a smelter. The property consists of 6,000 acres of State of Alaska mining claims and prospect sites. This Alaska gold property has year round public road access. See this property combined with two other Fairbanks gold properties

*Dome Creek Gold Mine—Alaska operational gold mine for sale—400 acres, 12 claims, of deep placer located on Dome Creek, 10 miles North of Fox Alaska (Elliot Hwy) near the historic mining town of Olnes. This well known area was mined from the 1900's to the middle 30's. This property has several shafts for production and further exploration. See this property combined with two other Fairbanks gold properties

SOLD!! *Yakataga Alaska Beach—Offshore Dredging Gold Property
These Southeastern AlaskaYakataga beach gold placers are remarkably similar to the beach sands of Nome when it was first discovered in the late 1800’s. The Yakataga gold claims consist of 1,410 acres covering approximately 7 miles of beach

*Gold Mine for Sale in Alaska—3,800 acre property includes 750 acres patented land. 355K oz placer gold resource—2,370 drill holes

*SOLD!! Alaska Gold & Platinum—Rainy Creek
86 State of Alaska gold claims for sale or joint venture. This is an exception property with full documentation (PDFs) and it is an Alaska Range gold property that is accessable.

With the rise in silver, this property could be financed by "bootstrap" production.
*Alaska Silver,Lead, Zinc, Copper prospect in Alaska Range. Bowser Creek, Win Group of Claims. US Geological Bulletin, State of Alaska reports, documents 300 oz silver per ton.
#See also a more detailed report of this property at:
#See the FlashMX video tour of this property at
#See Bowser Creek Alaska, Win Group of Claims Silver prospect of merit showcase. New USGS assays—New drill program proposal—New road to resources possibility

(We have included these new Yukon gold claims in our Alaska section because as Alaskans we consider Yukon Territory as "like us" although Canadian mining and prospecting laws differ from U.S.)

*Gold Mine for Sale in the Yukon - with machinery - to "make gold"—6 Gold claims for sale in Yukon. Located about 2 hours away from Alaska Highway with a good access to the area. The territory, with approx. 260 acres, lies in a nice valley. The mining claim is fully equipped and all needed machines are ready for use. The claim is operable and in good condition. A log cabin and a washing bay are included. This claim has a good proof of gold and all licenses are valid until 2015. $180,000 USD

NEW INFO *Yukon, Dawson Klondike Gold Claims—Over 20 gold claims (now increased to 47 claims) in the famous Dawson City, Klondike area.


*Yuma, Arizona—21 claims @ approx. 20 acres each. This group of claims has a great history. There are many old mining shafts that followed the reported rich lodes. There are many stories of a hidden Spanish gold mine that could be on or near site. Indians had secret sources of gold from this general area.


Gold, Silver And Platinum—Assay reports are included in a PDF file report and show the ore will average approximately $3000.�


GOLD!! Burnt River In Oregon—Approx. 117 acres of mining claims on Burnt River and Clarks Creek PLUS owner just acquired mineral rights to 52 acres of adjoining patented claims.. Seems to have reserves for good size operation. Property has been held for many decades awaiting finances to work property $200,000

Actively Seeking Production Partners
*Nepheline Syenite Deposit An unusual "Swiss Army Knife" industrial mineral used in glass making, nepheline has a bright future.
#See also a more detailed report of this Nepheline Syenite property at:
#See the FlashMX video tour of this Nepheline property at